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Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in the Agricultural Industry: Use Cases, Opportunities, and Solutions with Node-RED and AWS


The agricultural industry faces significant challenges in an increasingly interconnected and technology-dependent world. The need to feed a growing global population, combined with the pressure to be more sustainable and efficient, has driven the adoption of emerging technologies. The Internet of Things (IoT) presents itself as a powerful tool to address these challenges, allowing farmers and ranchers to make data-driven decisions in real-time, optimize resource usage, and enhance productivity. This article explores the most relevant use cases of IoT technology in the agricultural sector, highlighting application opportunities, the benefits it offers, and examples of solutions involving Node-RED and AWS services.

Target Audience

The primary beneficiaries of IoT applications in agriculture are farmers, ranchers, agricultural cooperatives, and agribusiness companies. These stakeholders are constantly seeking solutions that enable them to increase efficiency, reduce operational costs, and be more sustainable. In a context where sustainability is becoming increasingly crucial, both due to regulatory demands and consumer expectations, the adoption of IoT technologies represents a significant opportunity to differentiate and improve operations.

Crop and Soil Monitoring

The use of IoT sensors for crop and soil monitoring is one of the most impactful developments in modern agriculture. Sensors are placed in the field to collect data on soil moisture, temperature, nutrient levels, and the presence of pests or diseases. This data is sent in real-time to a central platform, where farmers can analyze it and make informed decisions about fertilizer, pesticide, and irrigation use.


  • Input optimization: Reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides, saving costs and minimizing environmental impact.
  • Improved crop health: Early and precise detection of problems allows for more effective interventions.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

To implement a crop and soil monitoring system, Node-RED can be used to orchestrate the data flow from IoT sensors to AWS services. For example:

  1. IoT Sensors: Use ESP32-based sensors to measure soil moisture and nutrients.
  2. Node-RED: Configure flows in Node-RED to receive data from the sensors and send it to AWS IoT Core.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Manage secure device connections and store data in AWS DynamoDB.
  4. AWS Lambda: Process the data in real-time to generate alerts or recommendations.
  5. AWS QuickSight: Visualize data and analyses so that farmers can make informed decisions.

This integration enables a scalable and flexible solution that facilitates efficient crop management through automation and real-time data analysis1.

Irrigation Automation

IoT-based irrigation automation enables more efficient use of water, one of the most critical resources in agriculture. Automated irrigation systems use data from sensors that measure soil moisture and climatic conditions to adjust irrigation in real-time, ensuring that plants receive the exact amount of water they need.


  • Water savings: Water only when necessary and in the right amount.
  • Increased productivity: Maintain optimal conditions for plant growth.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

An irrigation automation solution can be implemented as follows:

  1. Soil Moisture Sensors: Install IoT sensors connected to Node-RED to monitor soil moisture.
  2. Node-RED: Configure flows to analyze moisture data and decide when to activate the irrigation system.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Send control commands through AWS Lambda to activate or deactivate irrigation.
  4. AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service): Send notifications to the farmer about the irrigation system’s status.
  5. AWS DynamoDB: Store historical records of water usage and irrigation efficiency for future optimizations.

This integration ensures precise and efficient irrigation, reducing water waste and improving crop health2.

Livestock Management

In livestock farming, IoT technology allows continuous monitoring of animal welfare. Through smart collars and other connected devices, ranchers can track the location, physical activity, body temperature, and other health indicators of their livestock. This information is crucial for early disease detection and overall herd management improvement.


  • Improved animal welfare: Early identification of diseases or abnormal behavior.
  • Optimized management: Enhanced logistics and livestock handling.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

For livestock management, an integrated solution with Node-RED and AWS can be designed as follows:

  1. Smart Collars: IoT devices that collect data on livestock location and health.
  2. Node-RED: Flows configured to receive and process collar data.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Manage secure data connections and transmission.
  4. AWS Lambda: Process data to detect abnormal patterns that may indicate health issues.
  5. AWS DynamoDB: Store historical information for long-term analysis.
  6. AWS SNS: Send alerts to the rancher when anomalies in livestock behavior or health are detected.

This solution provides a comprehensive view of livestock status, allowing for early interventions and more efficient management3.

Climate Monitoring

IoT-connected weather stations allow real-time monitoring of climatic conditions in the field. These systems collect data on temperature, humidity, wind speed, and other factors that directly affect agricultural productivity. This information is used to predict adverse weather events and adjust agricultural practices accordingly.


  • Risk mitigation: Quick response to climatic changes that could damage crops.
  • Efficient planning: Accurate adjustments to the planting and harvesting schedule.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

A climate monitoring solution can be implemented as follows:

  1. IoT Weather Stations: Devices that collect real-time climate data.
  2. Node-RED: Flows to receive and process weather data.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Securely send data to the cloud.
  4. AWS Lambda: Analyze the data to predict adverse weather events.
  5. AWS SageMaker: Implement machine learning models to improve prediction accuracy.
  6. AWS QuickSight: Visualize climate data and predictions to facilitate decision-making.

This integration allows farmers to anticipate unfavorable weather conditions and adjust their agricultural practices to minimize impact4.

Agricultural Machinery Management

The integration of IoT in agricultural machinery, such as tractors and harvesters, optimizes their use by collecting data on equipment performance, fuel consumption, and operating routes. This enables predictive maintenance, improves operational efficiency, and reduces costs.


  • Reduced operating costs: Less fuel consumption and unnecessary repairs.
  • Increased efficiency: Better use of time and resources in the field.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

For agricultural machinery management, the following solution can be designed:

  1. Sensors in Machinery: Install IoT sensors on tractors and harvesters to monitor performance and fuel consumption.
  2. Node-RED: Flows configured to collect and analyze sensor data.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Manage data transmission from machinery to the cloud.
  4. AWS Lambda: Execute business logic to detect usage patterns and maintenance needs.
  5. AWS DynamoDB: Store historical performance and maintenance data.
  6. AWS QuickSight: Visualize machinery performance and schedule preventive maintenance.

This solution facilitates efficient management of agricultural machinery, extending its lifespan and reducing operational costs5.

Traceability and Quality Control

IoT also plays a crucial role in the traceability of agricultural products. From the moment a product is harvested until it reaches the consumer, IoT sensors can track its journey, ensuring that optimal storage and transportation conditions are maintained. This is especially important in the agribusiness industry, where product quality and safety are paramount.


  • Improved product quality: Thorough control of conditions from harvest to point of sale.
  • Consumer confidence: Transparency in product origin and handling.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

A traceability and quality control solution can be implemented as follows:

  1. Traceability Sensors: IoT devices that record data on the location and conditions of products during transportation and storage.
  2. Node-RED: Flows to receive and manage traceability data.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Securely transmit sensor data to the cloud.
  4. AWS DynamoDB: Store detailed traceability information.
  5. AWS Lambda: Process the data to generate quality reports and alerts in case of improper conditions.
  6. AWS API Gateway: Provide access to traceability information to end consumers through a web or mobile interface.

This integration ensures the quality and safety of agricultural products, increasing consumer confidence and meeting regulatory requirements6.

Yield Prediction and Resource Management

Data analysis obtained through IoT devices allows for predicting crop yields and better managing available resources. Machine learning algorithms can use this data to provide accurate estimates, helping farmers better plan their operations and reduce waste.


  • Improved planning: More accurate predictions of yields and future needs.
  • Reduced waste: Efficient resource use, minimizing waste and costs.

Example Solution with Node-RED and AWS

For yield prediction and resource management, an integrated solution can be designed as follows:

  1. IoT Sensors: Install sensors to collect data on crop growth, soil conditions, and climate.
  2. Node-RED: Flows configured to collect and process data in real-time.
  3. AWS IoT Core: Securely transmit data to the cloud.
  4. AWS SageMaker: Develop and train machine learning models to predict crop yields.
  5. AWS Lambda: Run predictive models and generate recommendations based on the results.
  6. AWS QuickSight: Visualize predictions and recommendations to facilitate strategic decision-making.

This solution allows farmers to anticipate crop yields and manage resources more efficiently, optimizing production and reducing costs7.


IoT technology has the potential to profoundly transform the agricultural industry, enabling smarter, more efficient, and sustainable farming. From crop monitoring to livestock management and product traceability, the applications of IoT are wide-ranging. As the sector continues to adopt these technologies, significant improvements in productivity and sustainability are likely to occur globally.

As experts in IoT solutions using open systems such as Node-RED, AWS, and microcontrollers based on ESP32, FreeRTOS, and Zephyr, we are ready to assist our clients in the design, development, and implementation of customized solutions for the agricultural industry. Our approach focuses on creating scalable and efficient systems that not only meet current needs but also adapt to future innovations and challenges.

Exploring and adopting open IoT technologies not only optimizes agricultural operations but also fosters a culture of innovation and collaboration, essential for addressing the challenges of the 21st century in the agricultural field8.


  1. Integrating Node-RED with AWS for Crop Monitoring

  2. Irrigation Automation with Node-RED and AWS

  3. Livestock Management with IoT and AWS

  4. Smart Climate Monitoring with AWS SageMaker

  5. Predictive Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery)

  6. Traceability of Agricultural Products with AWS

  7. Crop Yield Prediction with AWS SageMaker

  8. Open Innovation and IoT Systems in Agriculture